There are over 5,000+ young people ages 16-to-24 in the Flint Area who are not enrolled in school and are unemployed, also known as Opportunity Youth (OY). It is estimated that these numbers have grown by a minimum of 25% as a result of the pandemic lockdown.

The Engagement Center connects Opportunity Youth to education, employment, and wraparound services to achieve financial success and independence.

Ensuring the OY population has the resources they need to succeed is vital to their future and ours. By bolstering the pathways to education and employment, we can empower young people to be independent and financially stable, strengthening our economy and community.

Meaningful Alliances:

The Engagement Center leverages connections to 25+ community partners by bringing them to our clients at the Center. By utilizing these connections, we increase the collective impact of community organizations, improving access to vital resources and opportunities.

Professional & Caring Staff (Success Navigators):

Before connecting OY to academic and employment resources, our Success Navigators start by assessing academic and non-academic needs, with a focus on making sure basic needs are met first. Then, they develop individualized plans with the clients based on those assessments; identify best-fit educational options; support re-enrollment; remediate barriers; manage cases; and provide ongoing support.