GearUp2Grow FAQ
How many students total?
15 to 20 students for the academic year 2021-22.
What does a typical day at a Micro School look like?
A typical school day includes a Socratic discussion to launch. The day also begins with global, national, and local news. We then move to independent core skills work (math, reading, writing), and/or authentic group projects (solving a community issue, starting a business, publishing a book, building wind turbines), and P.E., art, music or other enrichment class.
What do you mean by Project Based Learning and Place Based Learning?
Project-Based and Place-Based programs are the ideal intervention to provide the basic life skills that the majority of students are currently lacking. Project-based learning (PBL) is student centered and builds on relevant, real world projects using a plethora of community partnerships. Studies have shown that PBL is effective in helping students attain basic competencies, such as critical thinking, problem solving, effective communication, and working collaboratively.
Students work on a project over an extended period of time that engages them in solving a real-world problem or answering a complex question. They demonstrate their knowledge and skills by creating a public product or presentation for a real audience meeting the grade level standards.
What do you mean by "Growth Mindset"?
We encourage students to adopt a “growth mindset” rather than a “fixed mindset.” Those with a fixed mindset believe intelligence is an inborn trait. This can lead to profoundly different behaviors. For instance, children who believe intelligence is fixed often value looking smart above all else, avoid taking risks, and fear failure. Children with a growth mindset view challenging work as an opportunity to grow and view failure as an opportunity to learn.
What is an independent learner?
An independent learner can follow instructions, research questions, solve problems, participate in discussions, and strive for mastery. Perhaps most importantly, an independent learner can figure out a solution to a roadblock without asking an adult for help. Elementary school students work toward becoming independent learners, and earning an independent learner badge is the final step before moving on to middle school.
What is the Socratic method and why do we use it?
A: In the Socratic method, a teacher serves as a guide, setting up scenarios and asking questions to stimulate critical thinking and independent learning. GearUp Micro-School uses the Socratic method rather than lectures because through discussions and actively making arguments to support their beliefs, students gain a better understanding of a topic than by passively taking notes during a lecture.
What grade levels does GearUp Micro offer?
Our students learn in a multi-age studio on an independent trajectory. While we don't have traditional grade levels, we currently serve Elementary School (students working on skills fourth and fifth grades), Middle School (students working on skills equal to sixth through eighth grades).
Will students at GearUp Micro be grouped by grade level?
We believe that children learn best when working with children younger and older than themselves. In addition to individual study, all ages of students will work together in groups.
How will my child stay on task in a self-directed environment?
A student’s ability to set and track goals in order to evaluate progress is essential to success in a student-driven, individualized learning program. Students need a lot of practice setting specific, measurable goals that are challenging but realistic.
Our students set weekly and daily goals, track progress and establish a rhythm of meeting with peers to hold each other accountable. In addition, students will develop an agreement with the guides to set boundaries for acceptable behavior and rules for engagement in the classroom.
We believe that learning to set goals and being able to challenge yourself are critical skills for the real world.
How much homework will there be?
We believe that children need time to play, relax, and be with family and friends. There will not be any homework assigned, although students may choose to work on skills independently at home.
How does GearUp Micro track progress without grades?
GearUp Micro tracks progress through student portfolios, learning exhibitions, peer reviews, goal monitoring, online dashboards, progress reports and an optional once-a-year standardized test.
What is project based learning?
Students work on a project over an extended period of time that engages them in solving a real-world problem or answering a complex question. They demonstrate their knowledge and skills by creating a public product or presentation for a real audience meeting the grade level standards.
As a result, students develop deep content knowledge as well as critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication skills. Project Based Learning unleashes a contagious, creative energy among students and teachers.
Does GearUp Micro School serve special needs children?
Unfortunately, we are not equipped to serve children who need specialized attention because of serious learning or behavioral challenges.
What about college prep?
Our mission is to help students find their calling. We believe this will prepare your child to succeed at most universities, and if your child’s journey takes him or her to college, we will be supportive. However, if your child chooses an alternative path, we will be equally supportive.
What does “Community” mean to us?
Community is a support and accountability system of connected and growing individuals, working together for a common goal. When done intentionally, community-building can enable our collective power and create change. And it is especially important in educational spaces because shared knowledge is more powerful than learning that is individually-kept. At GearUp Micro School, we foster community by focusing on the holistic lives and experiences of our teammates, families, guides, and community partners.